I don't know if any of you remember a big brindle boy called Horse, he was rehomed in March 2004 and renamed Morse.
Unfortunately Morse mistakes the cries of a new baby in the house for those of a cat and, to the upset of his owners, is looking for a new permenant home.
We met and introduced him to Ozzy at the kennels where he'd been staying with his canine companion Holly (another GAL grey). The dogs got on fine so we took Morse straight home and Holly went back with her owners.
Morse was a little unsettled to begin with and panting quite heavily so after showing him the water bowl we tried to encourage him to settle on his bed. This wasn't what Morse had in mind, he found a fluffy squeeky toy and started bombing around the house mad (Ozzy and I hid in the kitchen!!) In between a lap from the lounge to the kitchen I opened the front door and Morse dashed out into the garden (with me in hot pursuit) He ran a couple of circuits of the garden before retiring back inside and to his bed .
Unfortunately the fireworks started earlier than usual this evening and Morse became a little stressed by the all the noise. He is coping much better now (he's eaten well and had a couple of drops of rescue remedy) and is snuggled under his bed .
Morse looks very much like Bill (although Morse's ears were stuck on the right way!) - photos to follow.
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
I do hope Morse settles down soon! Fireworks certainly won't make it any easier for you at this time. I'm sure with all the TLC you'll give him, he'll have his paws under the table in a couple of days. Good luck with him and look forward to seeing his photos!
Guys, thanks for taking on Morse at such short notice, poor guy was doing so well in his other home, we've only ever had a few cases before with the hounds when a baby's crying has unsettled them quite so much. Poor guy, anyways hope he gets through the fireworks OK, can't wait for the piccies!
Fortunately the fireworks didn't deter Morse from his last walk before bed, last night. I had half expected him to refuse to go out the door but the brave soul was keen to go.
Today we took the dogs for a long forest walk and fully understood what his previous owners meant when they told us about him being "bouncy" when excited! We hadn't been out the car for two minutes when Morse started jumping, and I mean all four paws off the ground!!! He doesn't pull on the lead just randomnly jumps straight up in the air, like Tiger. We'll have to take the camera out next time.
He settled almost immediately last night, which was a massive improvement on the previous night, when I ended up sleeping downstairs on the sofa.
This morning I heard him introducing himself to the neighbours (on the otherside of the fence) who were cooing over him I think he is still unaware of the cat that lives on the other side of us - needless to say he's not unaccompanied in the garden.
Talking about the bounce, my Zada does this too, especially today on the walk at Strathclyde Park. She always has done it, but today she was really bouncy. i love it she just looks so full of life and happy.
Morse looks very happy and settled and it's wonderful that he's introducing himself to all the neighbours! They're great photos of a happy boy. I'd love to see him 'bounce' sometime - and Zada too, for that matter. Vegas doesn't do that - but he does do an amazing reverse flip into a muddy, gloopy puddle which guarantees that both of us, and him, are covered in as much mud as possible!
Good luck with Morse, he looks a lovely boy. Hope to meet him sometime.
He is lovely and I'm glad to hear he is settling in well.
I feel so sorry for the previous owners to must have been heart breaking to give him up but it sounds as though this was the only option. Fingers crossed he gets a new home soon.
Sorry to hear that Morse had to be rehomed - it must be a very upsetting situation for his owners. I've heard that this lad is one of the biggest greyhounds that GAL have ever seen.
SLH - got any piccies that would show him to-scale, so to speak?
What a gorgeous BIG boy!! Well done for fostering him but what a shame for his owners. I'm sure he'll be re-homed soon..he looks lovely.
Our Gambol does the bouncy jumpy thing too usually with a full twist thrown in!! He's so funny..he also does a very good dressage with the front legs really lifted up well!!!
Good luck with Morse and keep up the good work.
Maybe that could be a new class at the Christmas Show, best impersonation of tigger - except I don't know about your hounds but Zada doesn't do hers on cue. .
Afraid I'm just back from the vets with Morse. He started hobbling last night and had difficulty putting much weight on his front right paw. This morning he was no better and his paw looked a little swollen, although he let me have a good look and feel of it.
The Vet's first comment was "big greyhound!". He felt the whole leg before finding an infected area around one of his nails, then took Morses temperature, which was 104! No wonder he hasn't been his usually happy self this morning. The poor boy needed two injections and he howled the place down after the second one . (Fortunately I remembered from here that this is something of a trait amongst the big boys)
We've returned home armed with painkillers, antibiotics and an appointment for Friday - to check the temperature has gone down. I'm hoping this won't prevent us from making the Fayre on Sunday nor will it prevent Morses show jumping skills, which he has been practising all week.
Aside from that, Morse has settled in fine. He enjoys a 5 minute dash around the garden in the morning, has discovered the joys of the kitchen bin and even the delights of Green and Blacks chocolate. Next time I shall just have to remove the temptation by eating the whole bar.
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
Glad Morse is ok ,he is huge is,nt he. I always say that one of the many good things about greyhounds is that you do not have to bend down to clap them, does my back the power of good.lol
Ooyah, poor Morse. I hope all the medication kicks in and he feels better soon. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed for his return trip to the vet tomorrow.
ps: big Harry says Morse is a girly wuss, crying over a wee injection! pps: but Pearly sends a big kiss.
I'm hoping this won't prevent us from making the Fayre on Sunday nor will it prevent Morses show jumping skills, which he has been practising all week.
I hope you and Morse manage the Fayre on Sunday. I am intrigued by Morse's 'show jumping skills' !! Look forward to seeing that.
I have been thinking of tricks for Max (our foster dog) to learn as he's a clever boy. I did see a while ago in a book how to teach your dog to jump over a stick! (can't remember which book now)
The antibiotics are really kicking in and Morse is much brighter in himself. He's back to playing and running around the garden like a maniac. The swelling has disappeared and he is putting all his weight on the paw again. The Vet is happy with his temperature which is back to normal now. I think Morse will be on top form for Sunday
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!